ANNO 1404 - (2009, PC, Related Designs/Ubisoft):
Work on Anno 1404 started right after Anno 1701 was finished. It's theme: Occident meets Orient. The decission to present two different cultures was the basis for everything. Due to time constraints, the orient was not as complex as the occident, but nevertheless it was and still is a very interesting game feature.

One of the other cool features is to irrigate the desert in order to be able to grow stuff. The technical system behind that feature was mainly developed by me. Level design did a lot of research and compared to Anno 1701 we changed the general technical functions about how islands are created and textured very much. From that time on level design was very strongly involved in the tools creation process.
Besides that I worked again on the campaign, the scenarios and of course, as a lead, I was responsible for everything level design related.

To me, Anno 1404 is the most beautifull, classic Anno game and it was cool, how everything came together from some crude ideas, to a great and wonderfull game.

Pictures, videos and more detailled informations will follow soon!