At the beginning there are only 4 stages available. But all of them are already playable in reverse and all alternative routes and track settings (daytime, weather and so on). All other tracks have to be unlocked by winning races,

Spaceharbor Alpha:
Setting: A gigantic space station which works as a transshipment center for any kind of goods. Besides numberous dockingpoints for freight ships there are a lot of civilian facilities like a shipyard, superstructural parts, living blocks and so on. In the background there's a distant planet with it's moon.

The race starts in the living blocks. The ships chase each other in the canyons of the skyscaperlike buildings which are connected to each other by tubes, bridges and cross-ties. Then the urban living blocks vanish and change to the regular surface of the station with it's superstructural parts, small tunnels, passages undergeround, and deep canyons which look very much like the ones of the Death Star in Star Wars. There are air locks and crossing connections. There's a great canyon where all alternative routes come together. This canyon decents in to the inner parts of the station throught a huge gate.
Through the inner construction the track leads to the outer docking parts and the big freight ships. Huge ships dock to the station, get loaded and unloaded by other, smaller ships. It's important that it feels like a real harbour, there must be action, crossing ships and traffic, robots doing repair work and so on. The race goes on across and around all those harbour constructions which stretch into the space and back into the inner station to the shipyard. There are some huge freight ships and other ships. Building robots work on these ships and building parts get transported via cranes. There is smoke and sparks in the air and everything is tinted in a eerie orange light. Flying through cross-ties of steel and through tunnels and tubes the race takes back the way through the airventing system to the startpoint of the race.

New Paradise City:
Setting: New Paradise City is located under a gigantic glas dome. According to it's name, it's a very modern and clean city. It looks a little bit like Bespin from Star Wars, but is divided in to different floors. It's sunset time.

The race starts in the midst of the round shaped, well designed skyscrapers of New Paradise City. The track leads acorss some fo the skyways where is not very much traffic. But ships will soon pursuaded by the police. The track winds upwards to the tips of the skyscrapers and to a nice view. Some space ships shaped like hot-air ballons cross the sky and the track. The race leads to a gigantic structure which is centered of New Paradise City. Via some other skyways which are now crowded with cars the players have to pass with insane speed the track winds into the sphere. It's the green lung of New Paradise City, a jungle with countless plants and trees. The ships race through the jungle like vegetation with strange plants and even stranger birds and insects and into one of the huge tubes where waterfalls are falling into the deep everywhere. Other tubes and downspouts where the waterfalls roll over are dangerous obstacles during the nosedive. At the ground the waterfalls fall into a huge lake which is shed by dim light. The race track makes a hard turn and runs through the lower floors of New Paradise, which are filled with buildings, much darker and not so shiny. Then the ships head back to the starting point.

Raid over Serathin 4:
Setting: The planet of Serathin 4 is under attack from a alien liveform. The war is at rage everywhere. As land troops are on their way to the city, there are fighters and bombers performing a heavy fight in the sky above it. There are ongoing heavy fights in the bombed streets of the city and skyscapers and other builindings collapse as the race takes place. The inhabitants of the city try to fight back. There's smoke and dust in the air everywhere. Explosions shake the screen and tanks, troops and other warmachines are on their way everywhere.

The race starts outside the city in a canyon. The track leads through valleys with rivers in it, very much like in the Grand Canyon. The main canyon often splits up in alternative valleys, sometimes it turns in to tunnels which run through the red rocks. The everything ends at a huge cliff and the landscape dives into a huge desert which is located in front of Serathin 4. Huge warmachines crawl in the direction of the city, accompanied by smaller fighters and huge destroyers. Because of the dunes and the huge ships it looks very much like a old seafight where the desert is the sea and the gigantic machines are the ships. The closer the ships come to the city, the more bombs explode blasting sand and dust high into the air. Warships hit by the bombs crash to the sand in a burning nightmare of fire. Anyone who dares to fly over the wrecked ships is in danger to be hit by the fire from the city. Finally the track leads through the blasted main gate of the city used to be around 60 meters in height. It is crushed by some four- or more legged mechs. Airfighter dive downwards from the sky, chase through the urban canyons and shoot everything in sight. Most of them get taken down by the defensive turrets which are a danger for the particpitians of the race, too. Some of them can be turned on or off by shooting at them. Blockades and closed safetydoors hinder the players on their way. The can either shoot them open or try a different route through the streets or tubes which are like a maze. Be sure not to lose orientation.
Bomber continue to destroy the city. Laserbeams show the players where bombs will hit in an instant. It a real running the gauntlet where the ships have to dodge the bombing. Here and there houses crumble and crash to the ground, blocking the way so they have to chose a other route or maneuver through the debris. Bridges collopase and explosions, smoke and dust block the sight.
Finally the race comes to the space harbour of Serathin 4 where the civilians get evacuated in capsule like ships which blast into the sky. A dome of a energy shield protects the space harbour. The shield has several layers with holes in it, the layers turn in certain steps to open a path for the evacuation capsules. So the player needs to time this very exactly to leave the energy dome through one of the holes. The player leaves the city behind and enters the canyon landscape again back to the start.

Taburon Sith:
Setting: A very jungle like planet with lots of fog and rain. The race takes place in the old forrest of Taburon Sith. The forrest is located in a mangrove like landscape with rivers and lakes. Gigantic redwood trees with twirled and curled roots form a track with lots of obstacles which are hidden in the fog for additional complexity. The forrest is divided in three layers: the lower layer near the water with all the vines and roots, the middle part with lots of branches, leaves and treehouses, bridges and traps of a strange alien race and the upper section in the treetops and the bright sky.

The race starts high up in the treetops of the ancient forrest of Taburon Sith. From the sunny surrounding the track winds through the light filled branches where lightrays shine. There are lots of strange birds and insects which sometimes hinder the race. E.g. if some player shoots into a swarm of birds sitting on a branch, the birds will startle and create chaos for all ships which fly into the swarm.
The race dives deeper in the forrest. Through holes in the trees, through mossy vines the track leads through odd tree villages (very much like the Ewoks in Star Wars). The inhabitants do not like the race and set up traps like huge stones hurling from the trees or huge treelogs swinging into the track. Some traps may be set of by shooting at them and use them against opponents. Some may be simply destroyed to not being a threat anymore. There are huge fungus everywhere. Shooting at them sets off a huge clound of spores. The fog clouds produced this way can be used to hinder the opponents behind one. The race leads down to the roots of Taburon Sith. The sight gets worse becaus of all the fog and the froth which distracts the participians. The track leads through the vines and the knotted roots through skelleton like rotten treelogs. Horrible huge creatures rise from the water from time to time, and snatch the ships. You can only see the bubbles on the water surface just before the animals lift their strange heads. At some places the gases of the swamp have caught fire and pillars of light and fire shoot into the air. Some places can be set on fire by shooting on special spots or lay mines.
Finally the track turns up and a long a unbelievable huge tree, where gigantic waterfalls cascade down to the gound. They roll acorss and inside huge branches or come out of huge holes in the tree. It's possible to race either inside as well as outside the tree or change the path which leads back to the beginning.

Death of Epsilon 748:
Setting: This race takes place on a dying planet. It's a small planet which is about to break apart. A asteroid belt surrounds the planet and the surface is cracked by caves, canyons and lava rivers. Huge rocks are hurled into the sky everywhere by large explosions and protuberance like fire fountains cut through the air. For and gas is blocking the sight.

The race starts near a scientific surveillance station which orbits around Epsilon 748. It's a very classical shaped space station with a ring rotating around a central hub. The race dives through the asteroid belt which surrounds the planet. By shooting on the asteroids the player is able to change their route. Smaller rocks can be destroyed (very much like in asteroids). The track leads along the biger asteroids which crash to the planets surface with rageous force. They tear the surface apart, spit dust and stones high into the air. The track turns away and along the surface of Epsilon 748. Beneath rivers turn to fog and steam, strange trees catch fire. Along that route there opens a huge abyss. The ships dive into a canyon cracked apart, a river of magma beneath. Stones are hurled into the air here and there and explosions and magma fly high. Then the magma regorge in a huge bassain which lies even deeper. There are tower like stones everywhere which had not be consumed by the magma right now. But they fall over and crumble here and there. The track follows the maelstrom within the lava and crushing stones which is sucked to the deep. In front of the track the player can see the glowing hot center of the planet, which pulsates, covered by magma. But the track takes a turn again and follows the route through caves where rocks are falling from the roof (which can be shot) and cascades and waterfalls of lava everywhere. Caves and tunnels take places. The track leads back to the surface again, along some canyons and some vulcanos. Meteories fall from the sky and crush to the ground. It get's obvious, that a huge chunk of the planet is already broken apart. The player can race through the caves and tunnels of the chunks or fly around them. But of course it is dangerous to fly through the tunnels in the chunks, because there might be a dead end. In the end, the race leads back to the space station.

Space Wreckage:
Setting: It's a abbandonned desert planet used as a trash planet or a junkyard. Three suns light up the surface and even as the race takes place in the evening time there's a burning heat across the barren land. Dust and sand floats through the air. Small sandstorms or bigger hurricanes cross around in regular intervalls. Everything seems barren and dead, only some machines do their repeatious jobs. Sometimes huge transport ships fly across and dump their waste or junk.

The race starts in the dubious safety of a big hall. It's a hall where junk and garbage gets burned to gain back the resources. It's very much like in a steel melt. Burning hot ovens paint everything in a glowing orange pattern in contrast to the dark shadows of the machines and steel beams of the hall. The race leads through the gigantic machinery which handle the junkyard or transport melted metal. It's possible to make the machines drop the stuff by shooting at them. This may taken to advance against opponents. The race takes on through huge corridors, alongside the hot ovens which spout out fire in regular intervals. The ships reach the outside through a big gate where the machines enter or leave the halls. Even as it is sunset time, the light outside is blinding because of the three suns. Everything is tinted red and orange and glowing. On the outside the track leads through small corridors between mountains of junk and waste, metal beams, debris from destroyed spaceships. This opens many different routes which split up and unite again through all of the stuff. Here and there are big free places where gigantic spacships drop their junk from the sky. Soon sandstorms hinder sight until a dangerous Hurricane twirls around big debris parts the player has to avoid with daresome maneuver. Just in front of the hurricane the race dives into a system of tubes which lead to the underworld facilities of the planet. Through huge sewer tunnels the race leads on, along acid waste and water glowing in dangerous green light. The path is dangerouse becaus of steam explosions of acid and the waterfalls of toxic water. Horrible creatures live there trying to grab the ships with their tentacles. They even hang and crawl on the ceiling and hunt the ships. Some are huge and slow, some are small and agile. In the end the way leads back to the beginning and the mosters are left behind. For now.

Neo Manhattan:
Setting: Neo Manhattan is a modern but shaby city very much like in the "Fifth Element". The race starts outside the city and enters the central of it during the race, which is dominated by skyscrapers and densly crowded sky highways. The local police seems to already know about what to come.

The race starts outside the city in the energy facilities, which supply the city with electricity. It's a gigantic steel construction of pillars and beams. In it's center there is a broad corridor, but here are also superstructural constructions and flying debris which make the race dangerous. There are also smaller corridors and enemies might try to crash you into the steel beams by shooting at you. Some of the ships move from the broad corridor to the small ones and back. The huge construction ends and lead into a huge tunnel which decents straight downward. The ships dive into the deep. The walls are covered by tubes and pipes, cables and other superstructural parts. At the bottom of the tunnel a gigantic aggregat points to the sky like a needle. All around the machinery are tunnels spreading away. They have different diameters and some of them seem to lead on straight while others wind into the deep like the leads of a cable. Some of them are segmented by gates. These gates can be opened or closed by shooting at them. This can be used to crash enemies. Finally all tubes lead into Neo Manhattan, which is compound by countless skyscapers which form dark shapes against the glowing evening sky. It turnes out, that some of the tubes where longer, while others may have looked longer, but are in fact shorter.
Between the houses the race field is splitting up again. It is possible to fly left, right, up or down. But there are crossing skystreets everywhere, which can be quite dangerous. Some ships get caught by the police with their street barriers, others get chased by them and the police tries with all measures to take them down, even by shooting at them. The steet barriers are blocking energy fields which bring the ships to a total halt. The only possiblity is to take a other route through the narrow sidestreets. Or it is possible to shoot a hole in the barrier and pass through the hole, which is of course dangerous and difficult. The route dives down between the skyscrapers and through the densly filled highways. It leads through a complicated structure which carries the entire city and into a sewer tunnel. Steam and smoke comes out of pipes and the flowing, dirty water. Players who have taken a distant route through the city fly through smaller tubes which cross the bigger ones here and there. They can either join the other ships of keep on flying through the smaller ones. There are waterfall coming from the ceiling and lots of structures and tubes make good flying skills necessary. Finally it comes back to the race start.

The Mines of DŽAharn:
Setting: This is a old mining facility on a barren planet. Most parts of the mines are already shut down. But at some places there are still digging some lone people with old and rusty and gigantic machines. Everything looks run down and clunky. Everything is desolate.

The race starts in a midsize cave and splits up through a maze of different sized stakes and tunnels which wind through the earth. Ceiling and Walls are jacked by old and rusty steel beams and other, not very safe looking constructions. Now and then the race crosses through big halls where some old machinery lies broken or sometimes is still at work. Everywhere there ceiling is broken and tends to collapse. Therefore the ships have to take care not be hit by boulders or landslides. Of course it's possible to take the rotten constructions for own advantage and shoot at them to cause a landslide or falling boulders to hit the enemies. Falling rocks and clouds of dust can make the race difficult.
Soon after the race reaches a zone which is called the Windy Site. This is the air venting system of the mine. Through the tunnels and halls are blowing heavy winds and drafts from horizontal or vertical tubes leading to the darkness, which make the flying hard to handle. It'll take everything from the pilots not to crash to walls, rocks or stalagmites. More and more the natural looking stakes systems turns to a technical air venting system. Gigantic fans slowly turn in the tubes. Some of them may turn faster and can only be slowed down by shooting at them. Some may be turned on by shooting at them, some may be even destroyed. The heavy winds will blow the ships around. Then the race will lead to the mining zones which are still at work. Gigantic machines are digging into the stone, move their arms around and cause rocks to fall from the ceiling. Some digg tunnes, which may be passable in the next round. Containers get carried along huge transportation constructions. There may be a lot of space in this halls but many machines move around and the transportation system represent a constant threat. At one point tons of stones are dumped into huge lorries. This means, the player has to have good timing to pass the stones without damage. Right after that the lorries cross the route on their rail system. The huge container may block the way to the underlying tunnels. Only by adjusting the timing to the gaps, the ships may pass. There are smaller tunnels which circumscribe the most of the working facilities and all of their threats, but of course, they are much longer. It's up to the player to decide to take the safe or the dangerous route.
Finally through some other tunnels, the race goes upwards until the ships reach a vast hall with a underground sea in it. There are huge rock monolites and some lightrays shine upon the beautiful scenario. Snakelike creatures live in the water which shoot fireballs at the racers. At the end, the lake pours through a stone gallery into the deep. Stalagtites point downwards like fingers, a hundred feet long. They have been used as a support construction for countless passageways, elevators, staircases and streets which spann across and around the stalagtites like a spiderweb. The player dives downward through the construction maze. At the bottom he has to find a safe way through the stalagmites and find the entry to the cave where the race has started.